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​I n f o r m a t i o n   &    G u i d e s


Getting England Shooting

  N e w s    &    R e v i e w s

Contact EnglishShooting

Whether you need help getting into shooting, fancy meeting up for a shoot or just want a chat about guns you can contact me through a variety of platforms. It is extremely important to me to respond to any messages, tweets, comments or posts that people take to write. Read absolutely everything that's written and will always try my best to respond, no matter how large or small your questions I try my best to answer it, so please feel free to contact me using any of the methods below.
YouTube - Comment on a video or private message me.
Twitter - Send me a tweet, or again you can PM me.
Facebook - Post on my page, comment on a post or PM me.
Email - Want to directly get hold of me? Fill out the form below and it will automatically email me, if you want to do that manually    then fire away to

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